Sunday, 31 August 2014

Emotional Moments in Spider-Man Comics Pt 5

The Death of Gwen Stacy (Amazing Spider-Man #121)

Probably the most iconic death in Spider-Man comic book history. Now recently recreated in part in the movie The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Until the storyline “The night Gwen Stacy Died” there hadn’t been a death of a long term supporting character that was a direct result of the Hero’s actions. Gwen Stacy also has the remarkable distinction within the comic book universe of staying dead. (Clones don't count)

The decision to take Peter Parker’s girlfriend and have her death contributed to by Spider-Man’s deadliest foe was a bold move and had a major emotional impact not only on the character of Peter Parker but on the readers as well. For the first time people had seen the girlfriend of the titular character die within a comic book, they were also unsure as to how Gwen had died. With the ambiguity of the “Snap” in the panel where Spidey’s web line snags Gwen’s leg still leads to speculation today that Spider-Man was ultimately responsible for her death.  

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