Friday, 31 October 2014

RENEW Your Subsciption? What could the latest Spider-Man teaser mean?

Look at the picture above.....take a moment.....rub your eyes  yep it's Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and a red headed child that appears to look very much like the red headed child that plagued Peter throughout One More Day and One Moment in Time. this picture was released yesterday on twitter by current Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott, following recent tweets about Spider-Man related freak outs. well it's safe to say the internet is freaking out.

There are currently a number of theories circulating about what the above teaser poster is alluding towards. Some range from Secret Wars tie-in's to a retcon of the much hated One More Day storyline, or even a final part of the OMD, OMIT, series with RENEW YOUR VOWS.

So, are Marvel planning a return to married life for everyone's favourite wall-crawler next summer? is this the next big even that will be part of the fall out from Spider-Verse? at the moment details are minimal about what the summer event even means, this hasn't stopped the fan forums from buzzing though. On the evidence provided the poster leads to more questions that need answers, from the title though it would at least suggest, that this is a story within the main marvel universe (Earth - 616) and the child would apear to be far to young to be an alternate universe child, such as for example Mayday Parker. there's no chance of that, for a start the child has red hair. as I said earlier, very much like the red hair the who claimed to be the unborn baby of Peter and Mary Jane during the desolving of the couples marriage in OMD. 

Take a look at the poster picture again, then look at the picture here . seems pretty familiar doesn't it. 
So the next question would be. is this a big indicator of who the child is? clearly we are meant to believe that she is the daughter of Peter and Mary Jane, or is it a reference to Mephisto? who struck the deal to end their marriage in return for Aunt May recovering from a fatal gunshot wound that mysteriously no-one in the whole Marvel universe could heal.

If the poster-child (get it) is supposed to be the girl from the OMD, OMIT storylines, then it could be Marvel indicating yet another bit of tinkering by The powers that be. Joe Quesada has been on record previously stating that he saw OMD and OMIT as parts of a trilogy, is the trilogy about to be concluded in Renew your vows? in which case why are marvel now restoring parity with a return to the marriage and giving the couple a child to boot, especially when we the fanbase are constantly being told, a marriage and child limits the stories that can be told, it alienates a large part of the fanbase was another statement from Marvel.

so what are your thoughts about the teased and apparent direction that Summer 2015 is taking us in.? was you a fan of the marriage, do you think this move will be a mistake yet again by marvel. why not let me know. Click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Friday, 24 October 2014

Why Amazing Spider-Man #477 is so Important

It has often been said that comic books should be fun, lighthearted and a form of escapism for the readers,and whilst I indeed do subscribe to that level of thinking, There is a saying that 'Life' imitates art, although there is once in awhile an event that happens in 'real' life that artistic form will mirror.

On September 11th 2001, such an 'event' did occur. One so horrific and terrifying that the comic book industry felt that it needed addressing within the pages of a comic book.

Written by J.Michael Straczynski and pencilled by John Romita Jr, the issue depicts the horrific details of the tragedy that befell New York City and the attack on the World Trade Centre not to mention western civilization in general. It was a moment when every person on the planet was affected in some way, a moment so terrifying that no-body felt safe. in terms of scale it was in some ways our generations "Pearl Harbor"

This issue tells the tale of helplessness and confusion in a beautiful and sensitive manner, the writing and art just scream the love and respect that was poured into the issue to accurately and rightly pay tribute to the real hero's of that day......The NYFD and NYPD, men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice giving their lives in an attempt to save others. the true definition of heroism. 

Told through the eyes of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Straczynski and Romita Jr's story is an a emotional masterpiece. the Superheros in the issue are shown to be helping out as best they can with Spider-Man and the Avengers aiding and supporting the true life hero's of the book. it also show the aspect that there are horrors that happen in the world that will unite a city, a nation, in such a panel we are shown it's not just Superhero's that have put aside their own regard for self-preservation as the tragedy strikes, but also the Super-villains.of New York are shown to be pitching in and helping remove rumble searching for bodies helping the innocents in all of this. 

The message of those panels is as powerful as it is clear. Everybody was affected that day, in a way that it's impossible to fathom. The sheer artistry of the issue is the way Spider-Man is the voice of the masses, when questioned as to why he and other hero's "Let it happen" we see a distraught and almost broken Spider-Man clearly devastated by the destruction and devastation round him saying nothing, but via inner-monologue almost directly addressing the reader. "We could not see it coming. We could not be here before it happened. We could not stop it. But we are here now"

It's a message that is repeated all through the issue, an affirmation that Spider-Man re-affirms every few pages as he again addresses the reader stating "In such days as these are heroes born. Not heroes such as ourselves. The true heroes of the twenty-first century. You, the human being singular"

The importance of this issue cannot be understated. it's a tribute to those innocent people that lost their lives in an insane and mind-bending attack by a group of men intending on spreading fear, terror and chaos, it's a tribute to the men and women who gave their lives in the attempts made to rescue others, it's a tribute to those who were there who live every day with the horror that they witnessed. It also serves as a reminder that the madmen who perpetrated the most heinous of cowardly attacks feel no remorse. That people who are capable of commiting such an atrocity have no feelings of guilt, guilt or compassion for the sanctity of Human life. 

More importantly this issue reminds us all that for all those who are capable of committing a terrorist attack on this scale there are more people who will always step into the breach selflessly, courageously standing in their way, protecting us. it reminds us that these brave souls are Human.

It is a very heart wrenching and emotional issue. yes it has it's detractors. those that feel, it was Marvel comics profiteering from the lost lives. That the matter should not have been dealt with, within the pages of a comic book. a medium known for lightheartedness. I disagree. The book captures a moment in history that no-one should ever forget. and it's a medium that will reach the next generation in a manner that they will understand and hopefully will show what it truly means to be a Human Being. 

Agree or disagree? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Saturday, 18 October 2014

Review: Spider-Man 2099 #5

Story By: Peter David

Artist: Rick Leonardi


            Cover Art: Alex Ross

Publisher: Marvel Comics


Cover Price: $3.99

Morlun, has finally placed Miguel O'Hara in the cross-hairs.......All of them. 

In this issue of Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Verse kicks it up a notch and Peter David's writing sets a new level for the story that is yet to kick off fully in Amazing Spider-Man #9. 

Not only that but we have for the first time since the re-launch of the book, Rick Leonardi back as the artist for this issue.

As for the issue itself, it's definitely a Spider-Verse tie-in from the very outset, and as often is the case with tie-in books the protagonist takes a back seat as the overriding arc takes precedent. It's due to the quality of writing by David that the tone and feel does not detract from the earlier issues in the series thus far. if anything i feel it enhances it.

The story starts with Morlun attacking and killing various versions of Spider-Man 2099 across the multiverse, something that we learn is that with each passing death The other Spider-Men of the year 2099 have a connection and all feel it when one of their number bites the bullet, or rather has their life-force sucked from them by Morlun. It's an interesting faucet that i wonder if we'll see more of when the major battles of this storyline take place or even if it's due to the Web of life becoming more and more compromised due to the weakening as more Spiders fall.

As the story progresses we're also re-introduced to a version of Miguel that we've not seen for awhile. The version of Spider-Man 2099 who traveled with The Exiles for some time, it's he who discovers what is going on and packs up ready to Dimension jump to Earth 616. I'll save that there due to spoiler reasons if you want to see if Exiles Spider-Man 2099 makes it pick up the book.

This issue is the best in the series so far and although there is a lack of Story for 616 Miguel, there are a couple of interesting sub-plots as he attempts to steer Alchemax into the super-villain prison business and the way he gets interupted during the pursuit of Bank robbers in a helicopter. 

Overall it's a solid issue as the book continues to find it's feet and place in the market. I give this issue a solid 7.5 and can't wait for the next issue.

Do you have an opinion on "Spider-Man 2099 #5"? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Monday, 13 October 2014

Send in the Spider-Women

More exciting news came out of the final day of the NYCC yesterday via the Spider-Verse panel. Spider office editor Nick Lowe, hosted the panel and made two announcement's that, on the face of it were pretty much expected, however at least Marvel have now confirmed what we already suspected.

AF #15The news that "Spider-Gwen" and also "Silk" are set to get their own ongoing titles from February 2015. along with the announcements there were a few details released regarding the titles and what they would be about. As well as a new writing team and look for the character "Silk"

Starting with "Silk" then, we've been informed that the ongoing title's creative team will be Robbie Thompson and artist Stacey Lee. At the panel both Thompson and Lee gave their thoughts on being part of the Marvel team tasked with bringing more substance to the character. Thompson stated.
I'm super-thrilled to be a part of the Marvel Universe, and specifically this character.
He also informed the fans that the intention of his path for "Silk" would take us from "Bite to Bunker". Stacey Lee then addressed the fans saying that
"I have always wanted to draw something Spider-Man"
Following that news was the "Official" announcement of Gwen Stacy's new title, "Spider-Gwen". It was also finally confirmed that Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez, would be continuing to be the creative force behind the title when that also starts in February 2015.

Jason Latour,  addressed the fans attending and outlined his vision for Gwen's continuing adventures, also confirming as such that the series will take place within the universe we were introduced to in Edge Of Spider-Verse #2.
AF #15"The series will detail what happens to Gwen Stacy's personal life as she adjusts to life as a costumed hero. For her father, he didn't quite give her the great power equals great responsibility speech, but he essentially gave that speech, and now he has to be put to the test, both of those characters will challenge each other's assertions."
Latour also appeased fears by stating that "The Mary Janes" will still be around in the series. which we'll all agree isn't a bad thing at all.

The news that these two new female led Spider books follows the news that broke during this years SDCC , which was the re-launch of a solo title for Jessica Drew "Spider-Woman"
AF #15

Which as you may recall, caused a bit of controversy with it's published variant cover by Milo Manara, which has now since been cancelled by Marvel.
The information surrounding the "Spider-Woman" title was confined to the who the creative team for the book would be. Dennis Hopeless and Greg Land, and the announcement that the first three issues of the series would be tied to Spider-Verse, where we will see Spider-Woman, teaming up on a mission with "Silk"
These announcements certainly are something of a gauntlet tossed to the ground by Marvel Comics, during a time when the Movie division is fielding all kinds of derision for the lack of female led superhero movies. To have three female led books hit the marker in the space of four months may seem like a gamble is being taken by the company, However it is refreshing to see that one creative arm of Marvel is prepared to take the perceived risk and introduce a number of Female led books.
Who is to say that in the future the movie branch of Marvel won't follow suit and perhaps we'll have a "Silk" or Spider-Gwen, perhaps even a Spider-Woman movie. though I guess it depends on the longevity of the characters as well as the books themselves.

Are you planning on adding any of these titles to your pull list?  why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally Join our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Friday, 10 October 2014

NYCC Announcement: Spider-Gwen get's Ongoing title in Feb 2015


It would appear that the rumors are very much true.  It was leaked by Newsrama earlier today that Marvel have released details of a Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman title slated for release in February 2015.

Two things this brings to mind are. 1, what took them so long, and 2, so Gwen survives Spider-Verse then, (Phew) I'm sure that i wasn't the only one in hoping she made it through. So to have a bit of a confirmation that she would appear to is welcome news indeed. 

The actual details of what the series entails or even what universe it'll be set in is unknown as yet, apparently there will be a more detailed announcement in due course at some part of the NYCC, presumably at the Spider-Panel which is scheduled for Sunday. 

What is known at this time is we are going to see Jason Latour and Robbie Rodriguez return as the creative team for the book, which i'm glad about as it's fair and right that they are given the opportunity to continue their vision for the character they introduced us to in 'Edge of Spider-Verse #2. ( If you're still one of the few people who Hasn't picked up that book. Good luck in finding a copy) 

It's also a tick in the box for Marvel that TPTB seem to be saying to the creative team. "You guys made this character popular, show us what you got".

I hope they do show us, as the character has a lot of potential, which I've spoken about before in previous blog entries. I'm already a huge fan of Spider-Gwen and the fact we are now going to be seeing more of her gives me encouragement that Marvel are listening to what the fans want. My only fear is, this isn't the first time that Marvel have pandered to fan pressure, only to cancel a book a year or two later due to poor sales figures.

Take the case of Chris Yost's Scarlet Spider, a popular supporting character given their own book. in a new setting with great writing and Solid art. people wanted it, yet the book failed. lets hope this won't happen with Gwen.

Are you glad Gwen's getting a title?  why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally Join our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Review: Spider-Man 2099 #4

Available now

Story By: Peter David

Artist: Will Sliney


            Cover Art: Alex Ross

Publisher: Marvel Comics


Cover Price: $3.99

Another good issue as this series starts to have me wondering just where the story is taking us, I felt that this was basically a filler story arc a kind of biding our time till Spider-Verse kicks off and we get Miguel into that action.

That's not to say i didn't like this story arc or issue, quite the opposite. There's a few nice developing sub-plots bubbling beneath the surface and as such. it does enough to still hold interest. The most interesting aspect of this issue, isn't the action. or the battle between Scorpion and Spider-Man 2099. No the most interesting aspect is the moment where Tiberious Stone appears to have a change of heart near the story's climax.

The pages that depict just how Tiberious manages to escape from his captors is quite powerful and poignant and describes how much is often sacrificed in conflicts between governments and rebels, even in the comic book world.

Will Sliney's art continues to impress me at the moment and his interpretation of the re-modeled Scorpion is really well done. and this issue gave the artist a bit of a free range to display some of his impressions of Spider-Man poses  that are in his repertoire.

The story flowed well and the fight between Spider-Man and Scorpion was fraught with tension throughout and it was Sliney's art that helped this along. The tension was held by the joint threat that Miguel faced as not only having to battle the Scorpion, but also the consignment of Spider-Slayers that had been brought by Tiberious with the intention of supplementing the country's government army as a way to keep order.

The fast thinking Miguel, reveals to us another of the uses he has for Lyla, his hologramatic watch, who provides assistance to Spider-Man. In this instance the help came in the form of projecting a Spider-Man costume onto the Scorpion, at Miguel's behest in order to confuse the Spider-Slayers into attacking Scorpion.

However the real twist in this tale came, when Stone, who had come to the country in order to sell as many Spider-Slayers to the dictator as he could. refused to sell them to him. due mainly to all that he had seen and his own experiences. leaving us to wonder if the first seeds of Miguel's,  plan to change Alchemax from the evil conglomerate organization it is in 2099, to something less sinister, had been planted.

Overall a solid issue which is worth a pick up and read.

Score 7.5

Do you have an opinion on "Spider-Man 2099 #4"? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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R.I.P Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

No Longer "Going For It"?

If you've not yet picked up a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #7 then look away, go leave, I will not be held responsible for your suffering at what I'm about to tell you. if you have read the issue then i assume you much like I, am currently in a state of shock.

However, it's not like we weren't warned. What am i talking about? well if your still reading then I'll tell you.

Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends have become the latest casualty of Spider-Verse! Yep, that's right Spider-Man, Iceman and Firestar have been viciously and brutally dispatched by Morlun. Now I'm sure many of you have happy childhood memories of the Cartoon adventures of the "Spider-Friends" from the early 1980's Well prepare to have those memories shattered.

The latest Issue of Amazing Spider-Man #7 has a page depicting Morlun's attack on the Alternate Reality in which the Spider-Friends inhabited, check it out below. SPOILERS!

Aunt May's gonna have to clean up this mess.
As you can see Morlun appears to locate the Spider-Friends in there secret lab in Aunt May's house. quickly dispatches them and moves on to the next tasty morsel. This page illustrates just how mean, cold and callous The mysterious entity is. It also shows that 616 Peter Parker has his work cut out once Morlun and his cohorts reach his dimension. which takes place in Amazing Spider-Man #9

Every time I watch "Spider-Man and his amazing Friends" on DVD now it's going to be hard to enjoy. knowing that the Spider-Friends will no longer be going for it. and that their end comes so brutally.

I suppose That we can take solace in the fact that Ms Lion survived the encounter. as she's going to be companionship for Aunt May. provided she doesn't die of shock from all the mess.

If this is the way that Spider-Man writer Fan Slott is taking Spider-Verse. then i can't wait to see who's next but Dan please.......Leave Spider-Monkey alone.

Have an opinion on Spider-Verse? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Monday, 6 October 2014

What's in the lockbox?

So whats in the lock-box?

The lock-box, is where I keep all my issues in my collection. it's here that you the casual reader will be able to peek inside and see what The Man Who Collects Spider-Man has in fact .......Collected.

So far since i began collecting Spider-Man comics I've approached it in a mainly hap-hazard manner. during the 80's i was just a young school kid, therefore i was only able to obtain Issue's sporadically as you'll see should you choose to peruse the list via the tab in the menu bar above.

What little pocket money i managed to obtain via odd jobs and chores was spent traveling to various Comic Stores. (Which wasn't many in SE London) but it was always the aim to get as many back issues as a meagre amount of money could buy. Usually only three or four issues per month.

Over the following years, and via other means I have managed to expand on the collection via subscriptions and weekly trips to large stores dealing in comic books. however there inevitably have been the occasional issues that have been missed and it's those that I'm constantly trying to obtain.

At this point in time the list is just that, a list but Ishall be adding links to pages where you'll be able to see my views on the issues that live in the lock box as I continue to grow the collection.

If you've seen any issues I may need who knows you may be in a position to help me out. If you know of any reasonably priced issues that are available and you feel I'm in need of please let me know via the comments section.

Thanks For Reading

The Man Who Collects Spider-Man.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Spidey Legend Gerry Conway to Write New SPIDER-MAN Mini-Series!

Spider-Man Fans rejoice. For it appears that Legendary Spider-Man Writer Gerry Conway has a new Spider-Man tale to tell,

The writer who made his name during the Silver age of comic’s by “Killing Off” Gwen Stacy and co-creating comic book character’s The Punisher, Firelord, Ms Marvel among others,  tweeted at the start of September that he was working on a first draft of a new Spider-Man mini-series.

It was thought at the time his announcement referred to the forthcoming Spider-Man event, Spider-Verse. As it was known then that Conway would be part of the rotational team of writers working on the Spider-Verse tie-in book “Spider-Verse Team up” a three part mini headed by Christos Gage. Conway is listed as having to have a story in “Team up” part 2, a book that incidentally hosts a Spider-Gwen storyline. Could it be…….there’ll be bridges involved?

However it seems that all thoughts that this is what Conway was tweeting about took a surprising turn on Tuesday when the man himself announced the following 

Just heard from my editor that my Spider-Man mini series is scheduled for late Winter, early Spring. Wowza!

Given that the Solicitations for the December issue of Spider-Verse Team up part 2 have been out awhile now. It can safely be assumed that Gerry is not referring to that particular book. The other huge indicator can be found in the wording of the tweet, as he refers to “My” mini-series and not “A mini-series I’m a part of”. 

This to my eyes at least, this would appear on the face of it something that tends to suggest that this is an entirely different tale un-related to Spider-Verse. One that Marvel have not yet announced, A quick contact to Marvel about this news solicited a “No Comment” response So whatever this “mini-series” is, it’s currently one that’s a guarded secret. 

That in itself is something to raise the expectation levels and excitement. As to have a new tale penned by such a legendary writer as Gerry Conway, who has such a history steeped in Spider-Man lore. Is a mouth-watering prospect. To have him writing a character that he hasn’t written for since the late 1980’s early 1990’s after his run on Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man and Web Of Spider-Man would certainly be well received by the fans.

One cause for speculation is that recently, the Gerry Conway Spider-Man story “The Night Gwen Stacy Died” was voted the best Marvel comic ever! So the mini-series may have something to do with that story perhaps, We’ve recently had a mini on the days following Uncle Bens Death and how it affected Peter in Dan Slott’s “Learning To Crawl” could Gerry Conway be writing a similar tale extolling the lessons that Peter Parker learned after Gwen Stacy’s death? Or is it a completely new story. After all back at the beginning of September Conway’s Tweet read a little cryptically

Deep into the first script of my new Spider-Man mini series. Great to hear Peter Parker's voice in my head again. Wait. Let me rephrase that

Whatever it is that Mr Conway is alluding to or even trying to tell us with this clue. It’s got my Interest. As well as the interest of a Spider-Man fan-base keen to see who is or more importantly isn’t safe in Gerry’s murderous (yep 41 years later I’m still bitter about Gwen) hands.

Have you any memories you'd like to share regarding Gerry Conway? Does this news get you excited?  why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally Join our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man