Friday, 30 January 2015

Review: Spider-Man 2099 #8 - Spider-Verse Tie in

Story By: Peter David


Artist: Will Sliney


       Cover Art: Francesco Mattina


Publisher: Marvel Comics


Cover Price: $3.99


This was a very strong issue and one of the best issue's of the entire Spider-Verse arc. Then again why is anyone surprised given that it's written by Peter David. The man is steeped in Spider-Man history given the tales he's told throughout the years and this one is really no different.

The book picks up immediately where the last issue left us, with Miguel and Lady Spider recently arrived back on what was the Safe Zone world that was decimated by an invasion of The Inheritors during Amazing Spider-Man #12. 

One thing that has made the tie-in issues of Spider-Man 2099 to Spider-Verse compelling is the growing relationship between Miguel O'Hara and May Reilly, the compare and contrast of the two gas been really enjoyable to read, and it's once again the case in this issue. The gruff no nonsense attitude of Miguel plays well with the can do attitude of May. 

The pair are left alone on the Safe Zone wondering if they are the last of the Spider's, when Miguel spies the broken remnants of Leopardon, who was destroyed by Solus. wondering if the robot can be repaired, Spider-Man laments his field of expertise being biochemist. May reminds him that she is a technician, and knows of a large enough lab where they may be able to carry out the repairs to get the robot functioning again. 

At this point we are re-introduced to Earth-803 and Lady Spider's home dimension of the steampunk world. this gives us the reader a further insiht to life in Lady Spider's home dimension and a bit of a distraction to the wider story arc of Spider-Verse. as whilst repairing Leopardon, the lav the Spider's are using is attacked by The six men of Sinestry. These are the sinister six of the steampunk world, and a group that had recently been thwarted by Lady Spider prior to her recruitment to the Spider-Army. 

It's here that the art of Will Sliney and David's writing mesh together well with the great dialogue from the characters and Sliney's art work impressing again, as he depicts accurately the storyline placed in front of us by the narrative. the pace is also really well done as the fight between the men of sinestry and the spider's is fraught with quick fire quips and rapid action, which culminates in Miguel discovering that Steampunk Ock has a key component they need to arm Leopardon with a surprise weapon against the inheritors. 

I really enjoyed this issue as I gave all the tie in's elements from this title. it's added a lot to the wider narrative of the Spider-Verse storyline and yet again is doesn't disappoint. addtionally the art of Sliney has really one me over since issue 1, and he's fast becoming one of the better Spider-Man artists of the last few years, his use of the acrobatics and angles to depict Miguel's agility is very well done. 

The closing of the issue also has an offering of a possible continuation, meaning that we may not as yet seen the last of Earth 803 or indeed of steampunk Green Goblin. This has me wondering at least if we are due to see further continuing adventures of Lady Spider, I hope we do as she has proven to be an interesting enough character. Presuming she makes it through the final battle. Speaking of which components added and Leopardon fixed we see Spider-Man 2099 and Lady Spider dimension jumping to join the rest of the spider-army on loomworld. 

As stated at the start of this review, I'm a big fan of this tie in series and have enjoyed the camaraderie between the two featured Spider's. this issue has brought it to a boiling point well thanks to the writing and the art my score for this issue is a very solid 8.0

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Should Marvel Resurrect Gwen Stacy?

It is regarded as one of the most important death's in Peter Parker's life. A pivotal moment in Spider-lore. The moment that elevated Norman Osborn's Green Goblin from Spider-villain to the ultimate nemesis of the wall-crawler.

Gwen Stacy's death set Spider-Man on a path that the character is still walking along today. She arguably has been more important to Peter by being dead, and yet nothing is scared in comics anymore. Both Marvel and DC have been guilty of using deaths of major characters as a plot point or story arc designed to shock, only to bring back the character back a few issues later. it's happened time and time again. I'm primarily thinking of Bucky Barnes and Jason Todd, though in those cases it was years rather than issues, but the point being they were brought back.

Even Uncle Ben seems to be being used a lot more frequently these days as a plot device to instill a reminder to the reader and to Peter at times. In fat cirrent Spider-Man writer Dan Slott is guilty of using Uncle Ben more than any other Spider-Man writer. During Dan's eun on the vook Ben has appeared numerous times usually during the major story arcs. and even now during Spider-Verse there is a Spider-Man who is Uncle Ben.

As you mat be aware, Marvel comics recently announced their grand plan for the future of the Marvel Universe. Stating that Secret Wars would be the starting point for a relaunch of the brand and that major changes were afoot. At one point Marvel Editor in Chief made a flippant comment to emphasize how this event could be used to make alterations to the current Marvel Status Quo. Axel Alonso stated of Secret Wars "If we wanted to resurrect Gwen Stacy, then this would be the event where it would happen"

Since that comment Spidey forums gave gone haywire with theories and speculation that, Marvel could be planning on returning Gwen Stacy to the world of Spider-Man.

But would it be a good idea? after all, it's fairly obvious that the success of new creation Spider-Gwen, is basically down to the popularity of Emma Stone's portrayal of the tragic character during the Amazing Spider-Man film franchise and to cash in on that popularity Spider-Gwen was born. if that sounds like shameless cynicism that's because it is.

Should Marvel in fact revive Gwen, and return her to whatever universe will be formed from Secret Wars, what will her role be? will fans even be that bothered and interested in a character that has been dead in the series for over 40 years? how would her return impact on Peter Parker's life, given that we are perhaps set to see a return to Spider-Man being married? 

I think that, there are just something's within the history and continuity of Spider-Man that should remain sacred and untouched, Gwen Stacy's death being chiefly among them. After all it is known that one of the plans for "One More Day" was the plan to use that storyline as a vehicle to resurrect Gwen, which was later vetoed and thankfully so.

I see any plan to resurrect a 616 Gwen, as nothing more than a publicity stunt, deigned to just be a gimmick. there is no place for Gwen as she was in today's Spider-Man book as far as I can see. She would serve no purpose other than to possibly cause angst to a married Peter Parker.

For me this is all purely speculation, and I hope that Axel Alonso, was just using the example of resurrecting Gwen Stacy just to make a point of the possibilities that could emerge from the Secret Wars. I really do hope that Gwen Stacy doesn't get resurrected, she has her own book in an alternate world there's no need for a return of the real Gwen Stacy. She's dead Please let her rest. 

Do you have an opinion on a possible resurrection of Gwen Stacy? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Friday, 23 January 2015

Review: Spider-Woman #3 - Spider-Verse tie in.

Released 21/01/15

Story By: Dennis Hopeless


Artist: Greg Land


       Cover Art: Frank D'Armata


Publisher: Marvel Comics


Cover Price: $3.99



The last we saw of Jessica Drew, she was stranded on the Inheritors Loomworld Earth - 001 and found herself some what reluctantly in the embrace of Morlun. not in the way you would expect either. Following on from where Issue #2 left us with the shock revelation that Loomworld's incarnation of Spider-Woman was the concubine of one of the Inheritors, writer Dennis Hopeless presents us with a more in depth view of the events of Jessica's espionage mission that were briefly touched upon in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man #12.

The issue continues the prose of telling two stories at the same time, whilst the start picks up with Silk, arriving on the destroyed radiated world of Earth - 3145.  where she discovers, that the Inheritor twins Brix and Brie, are unable to follow due to the high levels of radiation fallout in the worlds atmosphere. Silk whips up a makeshift "Webmat" suit to protect herself from the elements knowing that the world she's on protects her from the Inheritors. in a reproduction from the pages of Amazing Spider-Man #12.

The storu then snaps back to loomworld to show Morlun and Jessica enjoying a romantic dinner, in which the tension is displayed well via the inner monologue of the spy showing her disgust at having to endure the enemy pawing her. 

Jessica, manages to eventually give the Inheritor the slip by feigning illness and rushing to a bathroom.

Once again the issue flips is back to Earth 3145, where we find that Silk after theorizing as such, finds this world security bunker that housed her on Earth 616 way back in Amazing Spider-Man #4. finding that the security code to enter the bunker would appear to be the same on each world she enters the bunker and seals herself inside.  

Back on Loomworld we get a brief cameo of a familiar Spidey character who in this instance is posing as the security officer for the inheritors palace. This cameo was a surprise and a welcome one for it was good to see the character again if only for the length of time it took for Jessica Drew to knock them out.  

Hiding in the air duct in a bathroom Jessica manages to contact the Spider-Army via the damaged communicator she swapped with Silk, and we get the full encounter of her clandestine meeting with the Master Weaver, as seen in part within Amazing Spider-Man #12. The weaver manages to pass the prophecy scrolls to Jessica who uses the damages communicator to teleport the scrolls to the spider-army. 

At this point i found the issue, a bit redundant, as it seems to just be rehashing the relevant parts we'd already been made aware of via other Spider-Verse issues. Whilst filling in the blanks is usually a good thing to see it didn't really provide any further insight into the mission beyond what we already knew. 

Later we saw that Jess has managed to evade capturing and fearing that her cover had now been in someway compromised had left the inheritors palace with the intention of hiding out of the pirates ship. Unfortunately, she arrives to find that the Loomworld Jessica had via her pheromone powers overcome the pirate crew. 

As they prepared to attack Silk and Spider-Gwen appear via a portal to aid Jessica at the issue's close. 

As previously stated this issue felt perfunctory, it served a purpose as to filling gaps between the snippets of the wider narrative that we saw in other books, and as such didn't really give me any thing to get that enthused about. The main problem was i feel, that it has elements that were spoiled by having major aspects in an earlier book. The ending did well enough to tie it the characters to the climatic finale that approaches though. 

For the most part I have to say that I'm enjoying the writing by Dennis Hopeless, it just seems at the moment he's limited to the narrative of the wider Spider-Verse storyline, however I've seen enough for me to be interested in where he'll be taking Jessica Drew once the event is over. 

One aspect that I've failed to get to grips with is Greg Lands art. I just find it distracting. and at times feels like I'm looking at a photo rather than a well crafted piece of drawn artistry. I'm aware that a change of artist is due to happen once Spider-Woman #5 comes along so maybe that'll help my enjoyment of the boo somewhat. 

As for the score I'm going to give this a steady 7.0 and that's mainly for the writing, although the story flowed well, it didn't do that much for me. It's not what I'd regard an essential book for the wider Spider-Verse story. it's no Scarlet Spider's #3 

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Review: Spider-Woman #1

Released 11.19.14

Story By: Dennis Hopeless

Artist: Greg Land


            Cover Art: Greg Land/ Morry  Hollowell

Publisher: Marvel Comics


  Cover Price: $3.99

Reported at San Diego comicon back in July, was the news that Jessica Drew was to get a new re-launch and an ongoing series during Spider-Verse. This news was at the time greeted warmly, but since the announcement that two other Spider-Ladies (Silk, Spider-Gwen) have also been given their own ongoing titles to start after Spider-Verse. it would appear that some have forgotten that this book was even released.

Admittedly it does seem an odd starting point for a new ongoing book, by using it as a satelite tie-in book to the current Spider-Verse story line that's running in Amazing Spider-Man, it's not like it's the ideal jumping on point for a new reader. It can actually be a hindrance to identify what's going on, especially if you've never read Spider-Man. Although that's going be unlikely if you're buying a Spider-Woman title. 

I will also admit that i have never really experienced any of Dennis Hopeless (Avengers) previous stories before or encountered his style of writing. I guess that makes it a bit easier to review this particular issue a i have no frame of reference and nothing to compare it to either, as i was coming at this writing team with fresh eyes. As I assume that many of you will be as well. 

The Writing team as earlier stated comprises the talents of  Dennis Hopeless (Avengers)  and Artist Greg Land (Mighty Avengers). The writing is good, I found Hopeless's take on Spider-Woman's character quite sarcastic and a bit snarky which i kind of enjoy. The art was surprising for me as  I'd only really heard of Land via other's criticism of his work. However i found the art in this book well done and presented the story well, the characters are well composed and fleshed out.

The story for this first issue is, as i said earlier above a tie-in with Spider-Verse, and if you are aware of the events of Amazing Spider-Man #10, this is the tale of what happens to Silk, Spider-Woman and Spider-Man Noir upon entering the portal. If, however you're not yet apprised of the events you might want to pick up a copy of Amazing Spider-Man #10. After you check out my review of that issue which can be found here.

As the issue opens we join Silk Spider-Woman and Spider-Man Noir, on a sandy dimension where Spider-Woman is trying to keep Silk free from harm and away from the Inheritor's who are hunting all Spider's. As Spider-Woman is off to find supplies for the three traveller to look less conspicuos she gives Silk a warning to not get into any trouble. 

She returns to find Silk embroiled in a battle with two of the inheritor's who've managed to track them to this dimension. During that battle Spider-Man Noir is injured an so Spider-Woman and Silk rake him to Earth-90214 which is his home universe. 

It is whilst on Earth 90214, that Spider-Woman is relieved from "Baby sitting duties" of Silk when Earth 616 Spider-Man arrives with both Anya Corazon and Spider-Gwen.and informs Spider-Woman that she's needed elsewhere as the war against the inheritors is being lost. which Spider-Woman is none too happy about but goes with Spider-Man. leading into what should be a compelling story arc.

So as first issue's go this was a fairly solid book I was impressed enough by the charaterization and the art to continue for the time being. so we'll see how this one goes. 

I'd rate the issue a 7.0 mainly due to it being hindered by being a tie-in book but there is still potential there. 

Do you have an opinion on "Spider-Woman #1"? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Thursday, 22 January 2015

Review: Scarlet Spider's #3 The Hero

Released 21/01/15

Story By: Mike Costa


Artist: Paco Diaz


       Cover Art: David Nakayama


Publisher: Marvel Comics


Cover Price: $3.99



 "The Hero always wins" is the statement written about Ben Reilly by Mike Costa in this final issue of the Scarlet Spider's mini-series. and as an arc where each issue of the 3 parter focused on each of the protagonists in the story never has the statement been more true. 

There was always a feeling among Reilly fans when it was announced that a version of him was due to play a significant role within Spider-Verse. That Marvel were bringing him back just to kill him once again. To many they saw it as a frivolous move that a character from spider-lore who had such a hardcore fan-base, was finally back in the spotlight. 

Yet this series has shown that, Ben Reilly's part within this story was anything but an excersise in paying lip service to the character. 

The definition of a "Hero" is often defined as a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements and noble qualities. Within this issue Costa, writes them perfectly for Ben Reilly's character, in fact all three spider's in this arc have, in their way all displayed the characteristics of a Hero. Yet in the end one of the three made the decision that truly encapsulates every part of who they were.  

The final part picks up immediately from the last issue with Ben and Kaine facing down Jennix in the main part of the cloning facility, Kaine launches at the inheritor and unleashes "The Other" Jennix finds it humorous that "The Other" is housed inside a clone, and becomes intent on capturing Kaine to take him to his Father Solus on Loomworld. 

Ben aides Kaine as best he can dropping a large portion of the facility on top of Jennix and quipping "lets both be bad cop" Kaine attacks whilst Jennix is winded and kills him. Ben berates Kaine who tries to regain control from "The Other" Jennix respawns in a new clone body and is promptly destroyed by The Widow (Jessica Drew) to no avail as Jennix again respawns and continues to attack Kaine. 

Ben realizes that they need to protect "The Other" at all costs. Whilst Jess is attacked by The Human Torch. in a sequence in which the tension and severity of the situation is ramped up by Costa's writing and the flowing art of Diaz. 

The pace is breakneck speed which is a far cry from the slower pace from the first issue, and yet the pacing is perfect as the action flits from Jennix Vs Kaine to The Widow Vs Jennix, whilst Ben Reilly works out another way to stop the inheritor and destroy the cloning facility, whilst ensuring that Kaine remains alive. 

Jennix temporarily gains the upper hand, revealing that the Spider's plan to destroy the facility is flawed as it is just one of thousands under his control, when Ben intervenes and announces that he had worked out that although there may be thousands of facilities, they are in the one that is the cerebral hub for the Inheritors consciousnesses to return to. He informs Jennix of his intention to blow it up and leaves for the roof, Jennix follows Ben, allowing Jess to tend to Kaine. 

-------------------------------------------------------SPOILER ALERT --------------------------------------------------

The closing of the story is what Reilly fans always feared would happen. However it happens in a way in which is true to his character and nature. Ever the optimist Ben even muses "There's probably a way in which, I can make it out of this one too" before he throws a mortar round into a group of others and blows the facility up. 

This whole arc for me has been a major highlight of the entire Spider-Verse storyline. As a huge Ben Reilly fan, i personally am proud of how his return was handled by Mike Costa and fully enjoyed Paco Diaz's art. even though at the beginning i did have some misgivings, however as the story progressed Diaz's art won me over. I fully and highly recommend to anyone who didn't pick up this series, to do so. as it definitely had it's moments and for me this is the moment where the Spider-Army had things turned in their favour in the war against the Inheritors. and the man they need to thank for that is Ben Reilly - The Hero.

My rating for this issue is the same as my rating for the entire arc. I'm giving this a deserved 8.5 the arc had a slow start, a solid middle and a climatic and tragic end and yet it feels satisfying as after all The Good Guys won. 

Do you have an opinion on "Scarlet Spiders #2"? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Spider-Verse: Pulling the Strings Weaver of The Web. Who is the Master Weaver?

One of the major players that we have really yet to see anything from within Spider-Verse, and yet I imagine we will see him play a huge role is the Master Weaver.

He is known as the weaver of intricate webs from which all realities emerge. Creator and patriarch of the web of life.

It is he was was attacked by the Inheritors in his home dimension (Earth - 000), it was he who killed the matriarch of Morlun's family when Karn failed in his task to destroy the Weaver.  In turn the Inheritors captured the God and have been using him to traverse the Marvel Multiverse as they carry out their war against all totemic Spiders. 

As yet, he has been used as a pawn, a means to an end for the Inheritors to carrt out their gruesome genocide. Opening portals to other dimensions and worlds. But is there more to The Master Weaver? It seems there may just well be.
During the pages of Amazing Spider-Man #12, we the reader were privy to a chance encounter between Jessica Drew and The Weaver, or was it a chance encounter at all? 
The page where the encounter happens alluded to the meeting as a per-destined event. As though the Weaver knew of the role he was to play within the war and had set aside contingency to aid the Spider's when things looked at their most bleak, you could say the meeting occurred in the nick of time. Who do we know that has a habit of doing just that?
During all the dimension hopping, and other Spider-Men encounters, we have seen that for the most part that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Now there have been on occasion the odd exception as there is likely to be once you introduce "Every Spider-Man Ever" and as we have seen thus far every dimension would appear to have a Spider-Man.....or at least a Peter Parker. 

As yet there are two dimensions that Spider-Verse has taken us to, where we have seen no sign or tale of any Spider-Man or Peter Parker. Those two worlds being the Inheritors home Loomworld Earth - 001, as well as Earth - 000. I don't think that that is entirely a coincidence. I do think it would appear to be by design of the story. After all I have an idea who the Peter Parker of Loomworld may be, and it would seem a fair few would share the same impression. Given that the character I have in mind has been depicted as being different to the Inheritors. 

I am of course referring to Karn, We've seen that The Weaver himself has referred to Karn as one who would choose to create rather than destroy. 

Now I'm not saying that Karn is the loom-world Peter Parker, however something that occurs within Spider-Verse Team Up #3 (Released 21/01/15) certainly insinuates that possibility. What do I mean? well you'll just have to buy the book when it's released tomorrow. 

But would that mean there's a chance, that Earth-000 Peter Parker could also be a mystic? it also is a strong possibility. 

Now once again I'm not saying that The Master Weaver is a Peter Parker, he could just be a God with no connection whatsoever and the fact that for the majority of dimensions and worlds  Peter Parker specifically was bitten and granted powers, however this may just be a massive coincidence. Maybe we are looking too deep into the stroy and not everything is connected.

If not Peter Parker then who else could it be? why not discuss this either via the comments section below, or directly via Twitter or on Facebook. I'd love to hear your theories on whom if at all the Master Weaver is likely to be. or do you think we'll never find out?

Do you have an opinion on The Master Weaver? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Marvel Release 2 Episodes of Japanese Spider-Man

Change Leopardon!

If you've read Amazing Spider-Man #12 recently, then you will have noticed that one of the Spider-Men that have been recruited to the cause by Peter Parker, was none other than Takuya Yamashiro. Now no doubt many of you will currently be reading these words and seeing Takuya's name and reacting pretty much like this. 

Takuya Yamashiro, or as he's also Japan at least Spider-Man. 

Back in the late 1970's the Toei company produced 41 episodes of the Tv show Spider-Man. Now it wasn't exactly the Spider-Man we all know and love for one thing this spider-man is partnered with a giant transforming robot known as The Marveller or Leopardon. which is one of the weapons that Spider-Man uses to battle the evil Professor Monster. and as you can imagine watching this show gets a bit confusing. especially as the Spider-Man here is granted his powers by an Alien named Garia. 

This Spider-Man isn't exactly a "Friendly Neighbouthood Spider-Man" either. more an "Emissary from Hell" 

So why all the sudden interest now? well in a word Spider-Verse. Waaaaaay back in the beginning we were told the storyline would incorporate any and every spider-Man ever! and as the series has gone on this has proven the case. (Before anyone points it out, Movie Spider-Man cannot appear as Sony hold the rights to those versions as is the case with the US Tv series version with Nicholas Hammond) 

Now those who knew of Takuya Yamashiro's exploits were eagerly awaiting his arrival, and it finally came in Amazing Spider-Man #12 and lets face it the introduction wasn't entirely subtle either was it. 

However in order to help as many fans out there understand who exactly Takuya Yamashiro is and why he fits into the wider Spider-Verse. Marvel have recently dusted off a couple episodes of the 70's Japanese show and made them available Here with subtitles 

There is also a second episode available on the the same site. Apparently Marvel indeed released these episodes as a box set Dvd back in 2009 so I'd like to hear from anyone who has seen all 41 episodes.

By doing this it would also appear that Marvel have now put aside their distaste for the character after all Toei did take more than a few artistic liberties with the property. but for all the campy aspects and the weirdness and the monsters of the week. these episodes have a charm to them. they are fun, quirky and although the effects look cheesy it's good to see how other cultures look at universal heroes such as Spider-Man. 

and it also has one of the best intro's to a Spider-Man show I've seen. I'm sure you'll agree.

Do you have an opinion on Japanese Spider-Man? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Friday, 9 January 2015

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #12 - Anywhere but here Spider-Verse pt 4

Released 7/1/15

Story By: Dan Slott

Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli


            Cover Art: Giuseppe Camuncoli

Publisher: Marvel Comics


Cover Price: $3.99



It's been a long tiring month waiting for the next installment of Spider-Verse in the main title but finally it was released this week. to, dare i say it? mixed reviews and feelings. Some people are currently beginning to question where the story is going and what will be the outcome of what it is Dan Slott is telling us.

The issue (in both senses of the word) would appear to be that for many people, they see the whole storyline thus far as perhaps too large a scale for a a character such as Spider-Man, at a time when the current trend within the comic book industry both in books and other media is to go big and by big I'm talking huge, extravagant, making everything a spectacle with wow factor. 

Which is all well and good in fact in most cases it's needed, but with Spider-Man it just feels a bit off and out of place. He is our representation within comic book form after all. the grounded hero, the everyman. and yet I'm starting to feel just a little bit distanced from the character in this particular story arc. the feelings I had a couple of issues back relating to the tendency to repeat beats, (mostly Un-necessary at times) of the story are returning to my mind and with two issues and an epilogue left in the story. I'm still scratching my head and wondering where all this is leading as so far for all the information that's been thrown at us as readers, we've barely had time to process that and take stock. Which of course could well be Dan Slott's intention. by engaging the reader in the same manner that the Spider-Army find themselves being whisked from pillow to post from one dimension to another in their attempts to find sanctuary from the Inheritors, yes it adds to the intensity of the situation but give us more than "safe place, inheritors turn up, deaths ensue, Spider's run, Safe Place....." well you get the point I'm making. 

I'm hoping that there is at least a point to this and that sooner or later that Peter starts acting like well......616 Spider-Man as, so far he's shown no real leadership and offered nothing other than being there. and that's disappointing. I have faith that Mr Slott does have a cohesive plan that ties the plot all together and there were a few little snippets in this issue that gave me hope that that's indeed the case. Such as the communication between Peter and Jessica Drew who is currently undercover on the Inheritors Loom world and has been handed the prophecy scrolls by the master weaver. Jessica managed to send the scrolls which apparently reveals the roles of The Bride, The Other and The Scion. The master weaver also told her there is more to the Inheritors plan than just killing all; the Spiders, which has me curious as to what that could be as so far that's all we've seen them do and to have this new information just two issues from the end is one reason why i can't shake the feelings that the closing out of the story may well feel or seem to be rushed but i guess time will tell.

Other Aspects regarding issue #12 however that made me feel positive were the change of artist didn't detract from the storyline, as can usually happen when you change an artist mid arc but here Giuseppe Camuncoli picked up the task superbly, other elements were noticeable were the call backs to the first time Peter faced Morlun where he discovered a weakness in the inheritor with regards to radiation. this was again explored more recently during the pages of Spider-Woman #2 when Silk dimension jumped  to a post nuclear apocalyptic world. where the resident Spider-Totem provided an unexpected sight for Peter Parker.

I'm going to treat this issue as pretty much a filler, with regards to the storyline as not that much happens other than a few call backs to the tie-in issues and recaps and the team joining Silk in her new "Safe Zone" and really when you think about it the surprise twist is fairly obvious.

Overall i'm going to score this issue a 7.0 it's a good issue but feels like a bit of a filler. however it does provide a couple of intersting developments for the future, 

Do you have an opinion on "Amazing Spider-Man #12"? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Thursday, 8 January 2015

Review: Spider-Man 2099 #7 - Spider-Verse tie-in

Story By: Peter David

Released 7/1/15


Artist: Will Sliney


       Cover Art: Francesco Mattina


Publisher: Marvel Comics


Cover Price: $3.99


 Well now, here we are. the first of the Spider-Verse releases of the year 2015. and wasn't it a great read? sorry......what? you mean you haven't read it? well here I am to indicate to you why you should. you lucky people you. 

Well firstly a quick recap for those that perhaps can't recall what happened at the end of the lat issue. The current story so far is that Miguel, Lady Spider and Six armed Spider-Man were on the run from Daemos, who had seemingly returned from the dead and was chasing the three spider's across the skyline of Nueve York (New York of the year 2099, to you and me) As they were rushing to Alchemax to dissect the body of the deceased copy of Daemos. it was during this chase that six armed Spider-Man met his death at the hands of the inheritor allowing time for Miguel to lay a trap to contain Daemos. The trap was sprung and Spider-Man 2099 and Lady Spider had managed to capture their would be hunter. 

Ok well so are you all up to speed? if not then read the review of Spider-Man 2099 #6 here or better yet re-read or go and buy the issue you won't be disappointed.

For those of you who are now up to speed I shall continue with the review of this months issue, 

 The Story picks up Immediately where it left off, and Lady Spider and Miguel interrogate Daemos who promises them that he will get free of the confinement they have placed him in, Miguel informs Daemos the only way he'll be getting out of the "cell" is in a bodybag. the pair of spiders then go to see the head of Alchemax, Tyler Stone. 

Miguel demands that Tyler allows them to use one of the labs to dissect the corpse of Daemos to which Tyler reluctantly agrees after being threatened by Spider-Man. 

Once in the lab Spider-Man and Lady Spider monitor the feed to the Lab holding Daemos in his cell, The inheritor can sense that he is being monitored and proceeds to offer the two spiders a deal to let him go. In the meantime the spiders are unaware that they are also being monitored by Tyler Stone.

Whilst Miguel is conducting the autopsy of the deceased copy of Daemos' body he instructs Lady Spider to get the dimension jump device working again, he then leaves her to discuss elements of his findings with another scientist. It's at this point that Daemos executes his escape plan. 

Alerted by Lady Spider, Miguel returns to the lab in time to see the method of escape by Daemos, and then decides it's time the spiders made good their exit. and the chase begins anew. Though Miguel has a plan of his own to slow the inheritor down. which i won't spoil the details of here. Suffice to say it involves the return of another of the 2099 characters. who helps hinder Daemos enough to allow the Spiders to  escape back to the "Safe Zone" where they find the aftermath of the events of Amazing Spider-Man issue's #11 and #12. 

I found the pace of this issue quite fast as it has been since Miguel returned to the year 2099, and it flow's well the intensity of the situation that the characters find themselves in has once again been expertly handed by Peter David and as the the story moves on I do find myself becoming more and more enthused for the kind of tales we're going to be seeing once this event is completed. It's clear that Mr David is holding something back in his writing and once he is let loose with his own stories I can see that we're going to be kept enthralled by what comes next for Miguel. 

The art by WIll Sliney, continues to get stronger and though there are a number of detractors i'm not among them. 

All in all this was a good issue, although slightly disappointing that nothing really seems to happen, other than discovering that when cornered the Inheritors will revert to their fail safe method. Which if you want to know what that is then you'll have to buy the issue. That is however the drawbacks of being a tie-in to another writer's story. you have to write to their guidelines and direct your characters in the direction that they want them to go in. However that doesn't really detract from the current story and as I've stated Peter David's writing carries it off well.

I enjoyed this issue and look forward to Spider-Man 2099 #8 which is out at the tail end of this month.

Overall i'm going to score this issue a 7.5 it's a good issue it moves the story along it would've been a 7.0 but gets added points for the "surprise" cameo. 

Do you have an opinion on "Spider-Man 2099 #7"? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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Monday, 5 January 2015

What can we expect from the Sony's Spider-Man Summit?

Well, here  we are again. and first and foremost let me wish you dear readers a Happy New year! I hope you all have a wonderful year in which all your dreams are met and goals are reached. I trust you all had a Great Christmas? or whatever celebration you had i sincerely hope it was one that you enjoyed to the fullest extent.

However now the time for celebration is over for now at least as we close in on the reported Sony Summit for what they plan for the Spider-Man franchise. At the time of writing it's still not known when the meeting between the Sony executives and Marvel will take place, we do know that it will be at some point this month with a possible announcement early in February Hopefully after contracts have been signed and details agreed but what can we expect?

Well after the huge hacking scandal at the tail end of last year. a number of revelations were revealed into the public domain regarding the future of the Spider-Man franchise. there were numerous reports of deals being suggested by Marvel Studios where collaborations between the two parties would see Spider-Man being brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe via Captain America: Civil War. 

It was reported that e-mails were exchanged between the two studio's where Peter Parker would indeed feature within the storyline or at the very least make a cameo in the movie that would be based on one of Marvel Comics biggest events of recent years. It was further reported that Sony executives were strongly considering the deal on the table from Marvel that would see Marvel Studio's gain creative control of the character in a shared deal in which Sony pictures would be the sole distributor of future Spider-Man movies and the two companies would share the profits on a 60/40 basis. 

Originally this deal was brushed aside apparently by Sony who were at the time still strongly committed to producing a Sinister Six Movie helmed by Drew Goddard and also a stand alone Venom film. Since then it's known that the Venom movie is once again effectively dead in the water with no plans by Sony to move forward with plans to produce the movie about one of Spidey's biggest foes. 

What was established, during that time was the clear fact that Sony are fast running out of ideas on how to move the Spider-Man franchise forward and continue to reap adequate box office returns. After all it's no secret that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the worst performing film of the five that the studio have produced since 2002. 

Considering the reported production outlay of $255 million the returns domestically were very disappointing with a loss being made and only world wide returns halting the film from being an outright flop. Critically the movie is seen as one anyway and the fans are divided over the movie itself. I myself think it's one of the better Spider-Man films purely based on Spider-Man acting and behaving like Spider-Man. 

Sony however are worried. they see this franchise as their golden goose. and the goose appears to be showing signs of no longer laying the golden eggs. So it was no surprise to learn that a summit had been called to discuss the direction and future of the franchise and Sony's role in that future.

What was surprising was the news that Kevin Feige had been reportedly invited to attend the summit which is due to take place at Pinewood Studios, it was also surprising to learn that the previous deal that Sony had dismissed had been revisited by the two parties. It would appear then that Sony are so devoid of idea's going forward they are willing to at least entertain other avenues and differing directions in order to get the franchise back on track and to recoup the fans that they have lost. 

How I would love to be a fly or spider on the wall at the summit, to overhear what the discussions could entail. I primarily believe that it may well be too late to shoehorn Spider-Man into Civil War as it seems that filming begins on that movie in April, in Atlanta. Who's to say however that a post credit scene won't involve a certain wall-crawler? 

Given that by now Sony are surely aware of the current fan feelings, and the growing demand that a deal be made with Marvel Studio's to at least share the character. that they know it's probably in their best interests to explore that possibility. Sony have previously demonstrated they have no idea on what to do next with the property and i think that we'll hear that some compromise has been reached that will see the next Spider-Man movie be a collaboration between the two studios. Basically because i believe it's got to the point where if an announcement states that Sony' will be continuing on as the sole producer of Spider-Man films that there will be a major backlash which will only damage the franchise further. 

So my message to the Sony Executives would be this. Do the right thing, Do the Smart thing. work with Marvel it's in your companies best interest and will go a long way to restoring some faith that you have lost with the fans. more importantly I would love to hear that Avi Arad no longer is involved in this franchise. but lets just start with Sony and Marvel announcing together that Spider-Man is going home.

So what are your expectations from the Sony Summit? How do you see it going? do you think a deal will be struck or will we be forever burdened with Sony-Man?

why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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