Thursday 18 December 2014

Marvel Reveal Potential Plan for Spidey in the MCU

The latest rumors regarding the never-ending saga that is the battle between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios for control of everybody's favourite wall crawler has yielded yet more tantalizing speculation and raised hopes even further.

It has been reported by various sources over the course of todaty, that back in November this year there was an email sent from Andrew Gumpert who is the President of Business Affairs and Administration for Columbia Pictures to Amy Pascal stating that Marvel indicated to him that in Civil War Peter Parker would be recruited by Tony Stark, in a storyline reminiscent to the comicbook arc.

The email also revealed that further to wanting to use Spider-Man in Civil War, that Marvel also had plans to have Spidey appear in both the forthcoming Avengers Movies Infinity War pt 1 and 2/ which means we could see the aboive scene played out on the silver screen. Additionally it was outlined that Marvel requested that Sony in turn would release a solo Spider-Man film around 2017. where Peter Parker was living in a world where superhero's were dealing with the fall out from the events of Civil War, although Peter would be depicted as being once again back in high school and living with Aunt May (When will somebody allow Spider-Man to become a man?)

Marvel by this account had also requested that following Infinity War that Sony will be required to release a Solo Spider-Man sequel in 2019 as they don't believe that waiting too long between sequels benefits either party and it would seem that Marvel are quite keen to capitalize on having their most profitable asset back under their umbrella in some form,

Now, personally i'm equally excited and a bit worried by this news, firstly the thought of Tony Stark being the person who creates the Spider costume for Peter doesn't quite sit right with me, unless it's the well known Iron-Spider costume from the comics. I mean admit it who wouldn't want to see this gracing our cinema screens in 2016

 Secondly it's the thought of yet another Spider-Man movie where he's recently acquired his powers and is living with Aunt May. Really?? have we not explored that enough on the cinema screen? what is there more that can be gained in regressing Peter Parker back to a teenager once again. Seriously lets have him established already. after all there's more compelling stories to be explored when he's older. rather than having to revert to a teen Parker, just to allow kids to relate. What about the long term fans how many times do Marvel or Sony think we will pay to see yet another adaptation of angst driven youth?

Just let him grow up already!

The icing on the cake though is the idea that Cometh the War of Infinity Cometh the Spider. This i really cannot wait to see. Spidey in a cosmic battlefield along with other hero's battling the Mad Titan.

I hope among all hope that Marvel and Sony can see eye to eye at the planned January Spider-Man summit at Pinewood as there are things we the fanbase deserve to see and Spider-Man lining up alongside the Avengers and others in an attempt in taking down Thanos, is what Cinema was invented for. after all this would be epic beyond anyone's wildest dreams if they managed to pull it off.

So what are your thoughts on Marvel rumored plans are you excited?> or would you prefer a cooling off period before a Sony relaunch?

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