Sunday 31 August 2014

Emotional Moments in Spider-Man Comics Pt 1

There are emotional moments in every film you see it’s not hard know when the film-maker wants to illicit an emotional response from the watching audience, the tone changes the music softens a lively character onscreen will now become solemn/romantic depending on the situation.

 For comic book writers and artists however, they have to work harder to convey the weight of emotion the character is experiencing and to illicit that emotion in the reader in order to get us to empathise with what we are reading on the page. After all they can’t rely on soft music or a subtext of “ok feel sad here”.

One of the best books if not the best at managing to put the readers through the mire along with the titular character are the Spider-Man titles. For years readers of all ages have maintained a relationship with Peter Parker and the trials and tribulations of his life sharing with him the triumphs and success's and yet additionally being able to empathize with him when things don’t quite go too plan.

All Comic books have had emotional story lines that resonate with readers, it just seems the Spider-Man titles get the emotion across better than most. The following list is just a snippet of the most emotional moments within the long history of the character some iconic some just pure raw emotion.

The Kid who collects Spider-Man. (Amazing Spider-Man #248)

Written by Roger Stern and Pencilled by John Romita Jr in January 1984. This story quite rightly makes the top ten. An extra bonus story in this issue after the main story “The Kid who collects Spider-Man” tells the tale of Tim Harrison. A young kid who appears to be Spider-Man’s biggest fan. Alerted to Tim by a column in the Bugle by Jake Conover, Spidey decides to pay Tim a visit and spends a few hours with him explaining how he got his powers why he became a super-hero the lessons he learned about power and responsibility. He even reveals his secret identity to Tim at one stage after the boy asks him who he really is. It’s a bittersweet tale as it gives the reader the opportunity to place themselves in the role of Tim before the sting in the tale is revealed at the very end where we discover that Tim is dying from a Terminal illness and his last wish was to meet Spider-Man and have a conversation with his hero. The emotional aspect of this story has made it an iconic tale with many people naming it among their favourites.

This story was also the inspiration for an episode of the 90’s animated series Spider-Man Cartoon.

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