Friday 10 October 2014

NYCC Announcement: Spider-Gwen get's Ongoing title in Feb 2015


It would appear that the rumors are very much true.  It was leaked by Newsrama earlier today that Marvel have released details of a Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman title slated for release in February 2015.

Two things this brings to mind are. 1, what took them so long, and 2, so Gwen survives Spider-Verse then, (Phew) I'm sure that i wasn't the only one in hoping she made it through. So to have a bit of a confirmation that she would appear to is welcome news indeed. 

The actual details of what the series entails or even what universe it'll be set in is unknown as yet, apparently there will be a more detailed announcement in due course at some part of the NYCC, presumably at the Spider-Panel which is scheduled for Sunday. 

What is known at this time is we are going to see Jason Latour and Robbie Rodriguez return as the creative team for the book, which i'm glad about as it's fair and right that they are given the opportunity to continue their vision for the character they introduced us to in 'Edge of Spider-Verse #2. ( If you're still one of the few people who Hasn't picked up that book. Good luck in finding a copy) 

It's also a tick in the box for Marvel that TPTB seem to be saying to the creative team. "You guys made this character popular, show us what you got".

I hope they do show us, as the character has a lot of potential, which I've spoken about before in previous blog entries. I'm already a huge fan of Spider-Gwen and the fact we are now going to be seeing more of her gives me encouragement that Marvel are listening to what the fans want. My only fear is, this isn't the first time that Marvel have pandered to fan pressure, only to cancel a book a year or two later due to poor sales figures.

Take the case of Chris Yost's Scarlet Spider, a popular supporting character given their own book. in a new setting with great writing and Solid art. people wanted it, yet the book failed. lets hope this won't happen with Gwen.

Are you glad Gwen's getting a title?  why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally Join our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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