Friday 3 October 2014

Spidey Legend Gerry Conway to Write New SPIDER-MAN Mini-Series!

Spider-Man Fans rejoice. For it appears that Legendary Spider-Man Writer Gerry Conway has a new Spider-Man tale to tell,

The writer who made his name during the Silver age of comic’s by “Killing Off” Gwen Stacy and co-creating comic book character’s The Punisher, Firelord, Ms Marvel among others,  tweeted at the start of September that he was working on a first draft of a new Spider-Man mini-series.

It was thought at the time his announcement referred to the forthcoming Spider-Man event, Spider-Verse. As it was known then that Conway would be part of the rotational team of writers working on the Spider-Verse tie-in book “Spider-Verse Team up” a three part mini headed by Christos Gage. Conway is listed as having to have a story in “Team up” part 2, a book that incidentally hosts a Spider-Gwen storyline. Could it be…….there’ll be bridges involved?

However it seems that all thoughts that this is what Conway was tweeting about took a surprising turn on Tuesday when the man himself announced the following 

Just heard from my editor that my Spider-Man mini series is scheduled for late Winter, early Spring. Wowza!

Given that the Solicitations for the December issue of Spider-Verse Team up part 2 have been out awhile now. It can safely be assumed that Gerry is not referring to that particular book. The other huge indicator can be found in the wording of the tweet, as he refers to “My” mini-series and not “A mini-series I’m a part of”. 

This to my eyes at least, this would appear on the face of it something that tends to suggest that this is an entirely different tale un-related to Spider-Verse. One that Marvel have not yet announced, A quick contact to Marvel about this news solicited a “No Comment” response So whatever this “mini-series” is, it’s currently one that’s a guarded secret. 

That in itself is something to raise the expectation levels and excitement. As to have a new tale penned by such a legendary writer as Gerry Conway, who has such a history steeped in Spider-Man lore. Is a mouth-watering prospect. To have him writing a character that he hasn’t written for since the late 1980’s early 1990’s after his run on Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man and Web Of Spider-Man would certainly be well received by the fans.

One cause for speculation is that recently, the Gerry Conway Spider-Man story “The Night Gwen Stacy Died” was voted the best Marvel comic ever! So the mini-series may have something to do with that story perhaps, We’ve recently had a mini on the days following Uncle Bens Death and how it affected Peter in Dan Slott’s “Learning To Crawl” could Gerry Conway be writing a similar tale extolling the lessons that Peter Parker learned after Gwen Stacy’s death? Or is it a completely new story. After all back at the beginning of September Conway’s Tweet read a little cryptically

Deep into the first script of my new Spider-Man mini series. Great to hear Peter Parker's voice in my head again. Wait. Let me rephrase that

Whatever it is that Mr Conway is alluding to or even trying to tell us with this clue. It’s got my Interest. As well as the interest of a Spider-Man fan-base keen to see who is or more importantly isn’t safe in Gerry’s murderous (yep 41 years later I’m still bitter about Gwen) hands.

Have you any memories you'd like to share regarding Gerry Conway? Does this news get you excited?  why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally Join our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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