Thursday 25 September 2014

Five Spider-Men and Women that I'd like to survive Spider-Verse

Unless for the past few months you've been, under a rock, Hunting your former WW2 buddy or saving the galaxy from Alien's named Ronan then you should be aware by now that the next few months will see the biggest Spider-Man event in years Spider-Verse.

I'm sure you're aware of the premise and if not make yourself aware by reading my blog entry on Spider-Verse "Spider-Verse: will it be Dan Slott's Opus?" Ok the premise is Morlun is out to kill every Spider-Man, Woman, Monkey and Ham in the Marvel Multiverse. 

It's already a debate among Spider-Fans about who will be the one's to live and who will die. This list offers the case for Five of the Spider's that i'd like to see survive the Spider-culling This is purely my own opinion on the matter and I'm sure you'll have your own favourites. so without much further ado read on.

May "Mayday" Parker - Spider-Girl (Earth-982) 
May Parker first made her Debut in the Marvel Multiverse back in a "What If?" storyline in 1998 which proved popular enough to give the character her own ongoing series written by creators Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz.and became the longest running female led Superhero book in Marvel's history.

Unlike the traditional Marvel universe (Earth - 616) May Parker Lives with her father and mother Peter Parker and M.J Watson-Parker and is a feature in Marvel's MC2 universe (Earth-982) an alternate and future universe to the 616. 

In the MC2 May is rescued as a baby by Kaine (Peter Parker's clone)  from the clutches of Alison Mongrain who was payed by Norman Osborn to kidnap and kill the Parker's child. In the 616 the fate of "Baby" May is never addressed and she is thought long dead. 

The book was cancelled in 2009 but the fans of "Mayday" were heartened to hear that one of their favourites was to feature in the forthcoming "Spider-Verse" and that she would be making her bow in the 616 universe. 

Given that she is an alternate reality's version of the daughter that 616 Peter Parker has long thought dead, (Marvel may be trying to deny her ever existing, but during the 90's MJ was heavily preganant, YOU can't deny that Marvel *Shakes Fist*), any interaction between the two will surely make for interesting reading, Unless of course she becomes one of the Spiders that bow out of Spider-Verse at the hands of Morlun. 

If that is the case then it'll be heartbreaking for the thousands of Spider-Girl fans as well as the character of Peter Parker whom, whilst not knowing what became of his own realities version of May, Will probably bare witness to knowing that the daughter he and M.J should've had has now also died due to who he is. whereas should she survive then it'd give Peter pride that somewhere his daughter is continuing the good fight.. If this speculation does indeed occur then i feel it would be to Marvel's detriment, 

For not only would they effectively be saying that from now on there will never be another re-launch of the Spider-Girl title with May wearing the webs. I believe it also sets out the wrong tone in terms of female superhero role models. In a time where the company is already fielding a lot of derision towards the lack of a female led super-hero movie. By killing off a well received character albeit one from an alternate universe. Marvel could be making a rod for their own back. This is why I feel that May Should be a Spider that needs to survive if only to save any more grief to Peter.

Ben Reilly- Spider-Man

Ben Reilly's back, lets keep him...........Oh you actually want me to make a case for Ben Reilly. Ok then. well here it is. First though a little background on a character you may not be familiar with.

Born out of the original clone saga Amazing Spider-Man #139 - #150. As the original Clone of Peter Parker. it was thought that he died during a fight against Spider-Man, who then disposed of the clone's body by dumping him in a warehouse smoke stack. 

It later transpired that The Clone wasn't dead and awoke and returned to Peter's apartment where he spied Peter and Mary Jane through the window.

Confused he left New York dejected to realise he was a Clone and not the original Peter Parker.
Years later he returned to New York drawn to an ailing Aunt May, that he never knew, Ben felt the pull to strong to stay away after gaining knowledge that May was dying. Also drawn by the night, Ben was soon swinging through the New York Skyline under a new name both in and out of costume. 

 He took the name Ben Reilly in tribute to Peter's Aunt May and Uncle Ben (Reilly being May's Maiden name) and was dubbed The Scarlet Spider by a reporter at The Daily Bugle. Teaming up with Spider-Man to battle against the Jackal, who had a plan to kill everyone on Earth and replacing them with clones. It was shortly after defeating the Jackal that Peter appeared the effects of cellular degeneration, an affliction that was prevalent in all the clones the Jackal had created.  Believing that Peter was in fact the Clone he and a heavily pregnant Mary Jane left New York for a new life in Portland, Oregon (after being tricked into thinking that Ben was actually the Real Peter Parker) leaving Ben to take up the mantle Spider-Man.

During his time wearing the webs, Ben was a divisive character and sales of the book suffered after many long term readers felt cheated the Peter Parker they had been reading about and following the adventures of for 20 years was in fact relegated to the status of a clone. However Ben Reilly grew his own loyal fanbase and when Marvel attempted to poorly rectify the problem of falling sales by bringing the Original Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) back from the dead stating he was the mastermind behind the entire clone saga the whole time. the whole series was becoming an unmitigated mess. 

In a last gasp attempt to solve what was becoming a huge problem to Marvel it was decided that The Goblin would reveal that Peter was in fact the original Spider-Man and Ben was indeed the clone. to illustrate the point Ben died at the hands of the Green Goblin saving whilst Saving Peter from being impaled by Goblins glider  his body dissolving into a gooey mess which resembled what the story had become. 

16 years later the Ben Reilly fans have got their wish, with the news that a Ben Reilly will once again be web-slinging his way through the Spider-Verse, albeit an Alternate version where in his universe Peter and Mary Jane never returned from Oregon. 

The need for Ben to survive is that if he dies again in Spider-Verse it'll be a smack in the face for the loyal Reilly fans who have been clambering for a return of a character who they and I feel was handled unfairly and poorly by the editorial team and the writers. Not only that but he offers potential and opportunity for interesting conflicts for the man currently going by the Scarlet Spider name. Kaine. The two have a history as conflicting clones and it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

Peter Parker - Spider-Man Noir (Earth-90214)

Created by writers David Hine and Fabrice Salpolski. Spider-Man Noir is a universe set in the days of the depression in 1930's New York. an interesting and slightly darker take on Peter Parker who gained his powers after getting bitten by a spider, that was hidden inside a mystic African totem. Passing out from the bite Peter dreams of the Spider-God Anansi and when he awakens discovers he now has acquired the powers of an Arachnid.

As with his 616 counter part it is tragedy that befalls the noir universe Uncle Ben who gets shot in a gangland style killing although before Peter get's his powers. It is Peter who discovers Ben's mutilated body, however, it is the memory of his uncle's death that causes Peter Parker to don his costume and go into action against the city's mob bosses as 'The Spider-Man' 

I'm looking forward to the Noir Peter Parker's interactions with 616 Spider-Man, although he's already met and a part of the Team that Superior Spider-Man (SpOCK) has put together to face of against 'Karn'. 

But it is the relationship between two Peter's who have a similar background in two differing generations. it'll be interesting to see how 616 Peter reacts to a number of alternate Parker's having had or who are still involved in romantic relationships with Mary-Jane Watson. also it'll be compelling to see the reaction of Noir Spider-Man once he discovers the man who saved him in Edge Of Spider-Verse #1 is in fact the 616 version of 'Doctor Octopus'. 

So why should Noir Spidey survive Spider-Verse? The one glaring issue that strikes me is the fact that Marvel are more than aware that Spider-Man Noir has a large fan-base in it'll only grow larger due to his involvement in Spider-Verse. I see it as Marvel testing the water to give a number of Spider's either a new mini series as a prologue to Spider-verse or even perhaps a new ongoing series.

One that would be nailed on for an ongoing in my book would be Spider-Man Noir, given the fan interest is there, whether it lasts though i feel is certainly worth investigating. a return to a grittier darkier feel to Spider-Man books? I'd buy it.

Gwen Stacy - Spider-Woman

Another of the Spider-Women, that would be a great addition to the ranks of AU (Alternate Universe) Spider-People, is a recent incarnation. of Gwen Stacy. 

Anyone that's read this blog in the last few days or even visited any Spider-Man related forum, will be aware of the current "buzz" surrounding the character. Which has a lot to do with creator's Jason Latour and artist Robbi Rodriguez. 

They've created for Gwen a vibrant colourful universe for her to ply her Spider heroics within. It not only gives a fresh outlook on the Spider Mythos she's also one of the Spider-People that'll feature in Spider-Verse that isn't an alternate iteration of Peter Parker. or even a relation. 

The reason Gwen needs to survive the Spider-Verse experience, isn't just because we the fans have only seen her once, and instantly taken her to our hearts. No she needs to survive as her character has infinite potential. at a time where sections of Marvel are under-fire for lack of announcements for solo super-heroine movies. which according to some means there's a lack of female role-models for girls to read about. If that's the case (Which it's really not) what better way to get girls interested in comic books than have a young strong independent female teenager who is struggling with deciding what her college major should be, and balancing her time with her friends, band practice, studies, family life or and swinging round the city fighting crime bosses and muggers? 

Hang on?? doesn't all this sound a bit familiar? yep but who's to say that young girls and  young ladies in their early teens wouldn't embrace having a character that they can relate to, in much the same way 50 years ago another comic book teen showed the youngsters of the day that hero's also suffered real-world issues. 

However if they bring a character like Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman, to the fore and public conciousness only to "kill" her off again in Spider-Verse. then Marvel i feel would have missed an opportunity. 

Some may also point to the fact that, there have previously been stand-alone Spider-Woman books released in the past, and that current 616 Spider-Woman is set to get a solo book re-launch in November, and that there are enough "Spin-off" versions of Spider-Man currently on the market. That all adding another Spider-book to the mix would saturate the marker just to cash in on the popularity of a character in much the same vein that's happened recently with Hulk and Wolverine.

They would be entitled to that view, however the way i see it is. Keeping Gwen Stacy alive, allows us the reader to view a character that we're already familiar with be placed in an unfamiliar situation. and by the sounds of the clamour from Spider-Fans its a situation we want to see.

Peter Parker - Assassin Spider-Man  (Earth - 8351) 

One of the darker Spider-Men to appear in the Spider-Verse story line is the Peter Parker from Earth 8351, Making a return to the Spider-books since his debut within a What if? storyline, What if Spider-Man Vs Wolverine #1 from January 2008.

That issue asked the question what would happen if Spider-Man never returned to New York and his new bride, Mary Jane, after accidentally killing Wolverine's friend in Russia. An incident that was also experienced by the 616 Spider-Man in the 1987 storyline "High-Tide" (Spider-Man Vs Wolverine).

Whereas 616 Peter returned back to New York and soul searched over whether he could continue as Spider-Man after taking a life, he eventually did. The 8351 version of Peter Parker remained in Russia with Wolverine taking out the KGB threat.

Now after being recruited by Superior Spider-Man in the pages of Superior Spider-Man #32 to help fight against the threat of Morlun and the Inheritors The Assassin Spider-Man is set to play a pivitol role within Spider-Verse.

Given that he is more in line with Superior Spider-Man and Wolverine in attitudes towards villains he is netherless a "Peter Parker" and how the "Other" Parker's react to him will be interesting to see, as it will be seeing how Assassin reacts to more light-hearted Spider-Men especially seeing as he's a Parker divorced from Mary Jane, and an expertly trained S.H.I.E.L.D operative who has no issue's with killing. in fact he's only likely to find an ally in Kaine's Scarlet Spider or SpOCK.

I do feel that this is a Spider Though who needs to become of of the few to survive Spider-Verse. after-all he's highly trained. so much so that he's beaten Black widow in fights. has a wonderful array of weapons at his disposal with guns in his web-shooters making the shooters part more than an apt name, he's a more serious Peter Parker. focused and driven in doing what it takes to get the job done. 

By having a character like Assassin Spider-Man survive would balance the storyline well and provide a welcome contrast to the narrative. Bearing in mind the darker tone of the whole Spider-Verse storyline it'd feel a bit silly if Every Spider-Man was cracking jokes and trying to out mock each other. I'm personally looking forward to seeing a lot of Assassin in the story as it's a differing take on a character we're all familiar with which can't be a bad thing. 

Have an view on who you'd like to see survive? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

Thanks for reading

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