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Every Spider-Man Ever! |
If you're not already aware, then the next few months will see the largest number of Spider-Men/Women/Girls and even animals from across the Marvel Multiverse team up to create what is to become possibly the greatest team-up in Marvel comicbook history.
The size and scale not to mention the thought processes that has already gone into creating what is perceived to be the biggest and most ambitious Spider-Man event is astronomical.
The brain child of current Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott This epicness is set to take Spider-Man fans on a ride so wild those that make it to the end will never be the same again, and I don't just mean the readers.
It would appear that the seed's for this story arc had been planted during the pages of Spider-Island arc, where Madam Web (Julia Carpenter) had a premonition that the web of life was becoming unraveled that a major catastrophic threat was about to befall Spider-Man, a threat so deadly it affected the lives of every Spider-being across the entirety of the multiverse.
A result of Spider-Man releasing a captive female named Cindy Moon (Amazing Spider-Man #4 Volume 3). his former enemy Morlun senses her release and declares "The great hunt had begun" this as it transpires is the threat that Madam Web had foreseen.
It seems also that before the main even that the casualty list has claimed the first fallen Spider's with the demise of five multiverse Spider-Men having already taken place and the corpses being discovered by Superior Spider-Man (Doctor Octopus) The fallen five being.
Spider-Man 1602 - Earth -311
Fantastic Five Spider-Man - Earth -772
House of M Spider-Man - Earth - 58163
Civil War Iron Spider-Man - Earth TRN443
Armoured Spider-Man - Earth - TRN442
This prologue issue sets the tone for the story in a mouthwatering manner that i find it hard to see how Slott or Marvel will be able to top this storyline or how any of the lives affected by the events that will occur within the pages will ever be the same after this.
The potential for this arc is so big as are the pitfalls, if however Marvel's Spider team pull this of then they have ensured that the storyline line won't be forgotten for a number of years. On the flipside should the story flop Marvel may well have ensured that this storyline won't be forgotten for a number of years.
Spider-Verse begins in earnest in November but for the whole picture a number of tie-ins have been released as is the running/reading order which can be viewed below.
August – Edge of Spider-Verse
Superior Spider-Man #32 - Out Now.September – Edge of Spider-Verse
Edge of Spider-Verse #1 (of 5)
Superior Spider-Man #33 -
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 (of 5)
Edge of Spider-Verse #3 (of 5)
October – Edge of Spider-Verse
Edge of Spider-Verse #4 (of 5).
Amazing Spider-Man #7
Edge of Spider-Verse #5 (of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #8
Amazing Spider-Man #9 (Part 1)
Spider-Verse Team-Up #1 (of 3) (tie-in).
Spider-Verse #1 (of 2) (tie-in)
Amazing Spider-Man #10 (Part 2)
Spider-Woman #1 (tie-in)
Spider-Man 2099 #6 (tie-in)
Scarlet Spiders #1 (of 3) (tie-in)
Amazing Spider-Man #11
Spider-Verse #2 (of 3)
Scarlet Spiders #2 (of 3)
Spider-Woman #2
Amazing Spider-Man #12
Spider-Verse Team-Up #2 (of 3)
Spider-Man 2099 #7
Scarlet Spiders #3 (of 3)
Amazing Spider-Man #13
Spider-Woman #3
Spider-Verse Team-Up #3 (of 3)
Spider-Man 2099 #8
Amazing Spider-Man #14
Have an opinion on Spider-Verse? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates
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