Monday 23 February 2015

A Black Peter Parker? Why not.

Over the course of the last week, there have been numerous reports and rumours coming out, regarding the future developments of Spider-Man within the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward.

over the last few day fans have been taking to social media whether that be Twitter Facebook, or comicbook website fan forums. To discuss comments made by current Spider-Man writer Dan Slott. 

Those comments by Slott were, that should, the future depiction of Spider-Man on the cinematic screen have a non-white Peter Parker. Then he would have no problem with that at all.

Many people have since had online discussions with Dan, over the topic. Some agreeing, some being less inclined to do so, 

I myself, have had such a discussion with a couple of people on social media just this morning. For the record. I agree with Dan Slott. There is absolutely nothing about the character of Peter Parker, that prevents an actor of any ethnicity from portraying him on the cinema screen. There is also in my mind, no coherent argument or case to be made that would suggest that Peter Parker should be white.

Looking back, the absolute beauty of the character Spider-Man, is the "Everyman" element. Stan Lee created the character to be accessible to "Everybody" It's one of the major reasons for the popularity of the character. Just who is he under the mask? who is in the skin tight costume? it could be you, me, Mahatma Ghandi. Well maybe not Mahatma as he was one for turning the other cheek, The point being you can't state that Spider-Man as a character is accessible to a world wide audience and could be anyone....but only if he's white. Sorry that just doesn't work.

There are also some stating that, race changing and diversity is fine in movies, Just as long as it doesn't touch "Iconic" characters. Just today someone said to me, by all means race change the supporting cast as much as you like, race change the villains too, but race changing "Iconic" characters is a trait that is just unacceptable.

Now it probably won't surprise you to learn, that person had no answer to my question of why? after all, Are the Fantastic Four not Iconic? they are seen as Marvel's first family and yet what's that Jonny Storm is going to be black?

Other arguments against a non-white Peter Parker, usually throw examples of well, why haven't they done it for Superman? why haven't we had a black Batman? well first of we have had a racially diverse Superman. not the character admittedly, but in terms of actor's portraying an "Iconic" character, We have in Dean Cain. who is in fact half Japanese.  As for why not a black Batman, I agree a black Batman is long overdue.

These are not adequate arguments against having a non-white Peter Parker though are they. It's petty whinging if we're being honest. In fact what it really is, is a fear of change. When why be fearful? if there was a black Peter Parker for example, then what a statement it would make. It would state here is one of the worlds most "Iconic" and recognizable hero's embracing diversity and equality. 

That is something that as a long standing Spider-Man fan, would make me immensely proud, a race changed Peter Parker leading the way, showing that race and skin colour makes no difference to the basic elements of his character. being the first and leading the way is something that Spider-Man is no stranger to. back in 1962, when Stan Lee pitched the idea of a teenage super-hero to his boss at Marvel. He was told, it won't work. No-one wants to read about a teenage superhero. Well here we are 52 years later still reading the exploits of Peter Parker. 

What are your thought's? why exactly are you for or against race changing Peter Parker? why not comment below. if you have enjoyed this article then web the +1 button in the face! and want to read more? then please subscribe via google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man

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