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Welcome to the Party Spider-Man, We think you'll like it here! - Steve Rogers |
Well Who saw that coming then? I mean apart from practically everybody and anybody who'd really looked at the Sony e-mail scandal carefully, This was always going to happen once those leaked messages hit the public domain, both Sony and Marvel knew it. All that was left for the two companies to do was dot the T's and cross the I's or something of that nature.
However it's now happened, Spidey is back home, just let that sink in................The next time you witness Spider-Man on the silver screen it will be in a Marvel Studios movie. Now who really saw that coming? yeah me neither.
The deal, as it's announced will be what many of us thought it would be. Spider-Man is now a shared property between the two studio giants. Personally i see this as the best possible outcome. the biggest winners here are us the fans. After all look at what we get out of the deal.
According to the reports Spider-Man, will be making his bow in the MCU before a planned Sony reboot in 2017. Given that there are only 3 Marvel Studios films to be released before then are Captain America: Civil War, GOTG 2 and Doctor Strange. it's a no-brainer really to think that we will be seeing Spider-Man lining up with Captain America and Iron Man possibly also Falcon, Black Widow and Hawkeye in Civil War.
Now the news is official we as a fanbase should feel pretty pleased with ourselves. I'm not saying that fan pressure played a huge part in the decision making process, I do believe though that it played a part and had to be taken into consideration by both studio's. After all, unless you've been living in a cave for the last 3 months you can't have missed the thousands of blog entries, meme's and countless tweets imploring that this deal was made.
I myself was guilty in putting Meme's out there. I came up with this one that you may well have seen around the internet.
It on the face of of it then, would appear that Feige's threat of sending in Cap and the Howling Commando's worked. I wonder if a Sony exec saw what the Commando's were capable of in last weeks episode of Agent Carter? and thought "Shit, lets get this deal done"
All joking aside there are still things to be concerned with, regarding this deal. Such as it confirms that Andrew Garfield is out as the wall-crawler and future films and appearances will see a new actor wearing the webs. I believe this may be a bit of a gamble of sorts, I mean is it really necessary to have a third reboot? sixteen years after the first movie? which also leads to further questions of who will pick the person who will be the new Spider-Man? is it Sony or Marvel? I guess these are questions that will have been thrashed out in the meetings.
Secondly, are the audience going to be enthused for yet another Spidey reboot at all? certainly not if it includes another retelling of the origin. how many times can it be told, not too mention neither film series has got it quite tight. Admittedly Sam Raimi's Spider-Man was the closer of the two. There was however the idea muted that a new Spider-Man film would start with the wall crawler already in place and focus once more on Peter Parker's life in High School. I'm not sure if i want to see more of that either.
Thirdly, who are the villains going to be? so far in five Spider-Man movies we've had Goblins in three of them. Surely this new reboot will not have Goblins. I mean i'm all Goblined out and again not one of them have ever got close to accurately portraying the Green Goblin on screen. we've also had The Lizard a brief snippet of Venom and Rhino as well as a weak Electro and Sandman and Doctor Octopus.
Spidey, has probably the most diverse and one of the largest villains roll call in comics history so i hope that we get to finally see some other antagonists and for the love of god please don't make them all have a personal connection to Peter Parker, sometimes baddies are just bad.
Although a shared deal now opens up various opportunities and possibilities for Marvel and Sony going forward, as surely this deal would also allow a crossover of villains, and vice-versa. Could this see Spider-Man now going up against people like Kingpin? could the Avengers show up to take on The Sinister Six?
Why not let me know your thoughts on this momentous news. what do you make of the deal, are you celebrating or lamenting? do you have thoughts on who could play Spider-Man? what Villains do you think he should face? why not comment below. or click the button to follow on google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man
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