Hi, and welcome to the first episode in this look back series. For the next few months i'll be aiming to introduce to you readers my entire back catalogue of Amazing Spider-Man Issues.
Now this may be a bit of a never ending series, due to the sheer volume of books in the collection, not too mention the problem of the collection veing constantly added to by myself. but should hopefully by the time this series ends. (If it ends) it'll mean that I've completed my personal quest to own every issue of The Amazing Spider-Man, and you the reader will have hopefully enjoyed seeing long forgotten issue's once again or perhaps gained some knowledge from seeing the issues for the first time. Imspiring you to check them out for yourselves.
Over the years there have been a number of forgotten tales and as time passes, more and more issues fall into this category. Here is the earliest book in my Spidey collection. Amazing Spider-Man #46.
The thing that makes this Issue significant and special is, the book is the first appearance of The Shocker. It aslo emcomapasses the origins of how Herman Schultz crafted his "Vibro-Shock" bracelets and his first two battles against our beloved wall crawler.
This is also the issue in which Peter Parker moves out of Aunt May's house for the first tie and into a new rented apartment with Harry Osborne and, also has his secret identity discovered by Frederick Foswell a reporter at the Daily Bugle.
The story was penned by the mighty Stan lee and the artwork beautifully crafted by John Romita Snr, the creative that that even by this point had given us Spider-Fans some all time classic issues such as the Green Goblin's revealed identity and also bringing Mary Jane into the fold as a full time supporting character.
A quick battle ensues and Spider-Man loses to the mystery robber, partially hindered by his injured arm this was a feature of many a Spider-Man issue back in the 60's
You must remember that at this time Spidey, was still a teenager and a lot of the stories had Peter Parker battling villains as Spider-Man whilst dealing with a lot of the complexities of being a teenager during the 1960's. During this issue for example it shows the gang discussing Flash Thompson's departure to Vietnam after being drafted by the armed forces.
There are a lot of pop-culture references relevant to the time. and a lot of the dialogue is geared around popular phrases that teens of the 60's tended to use.
However none of this detracts from the storyline and it's a fun look at how the characters were presented to the readers of 1967.
Following the first encounter in which Spidey suffers defeat, Peter heads to the Daily Bugle to ell pictures of the battle to J.J.Jameson. One thing that has never really changed in the Amazing Spider-Man series since 1963 is the relationship and banter between Peter and Jameson. this issue really highlughts the generation gap between the two.
It also highlights that Peter was always quick thinking and at times had to think fast to get out of scraps of his own making. Highlighted in this issue by tricking Bugle reporter Frederic Foswell.
Thinking that Parker and Spidey had to have some sort of arrangement and a deal between the two. So Foswell trailed Peter throughout the day hoping to find proof as to his suspicions.
Unknown to Peter he was being followed when he ducked into an alley to change and pick up the trail of The Shocker.
Spying Parker go into an alley, Foswell is shocked when he sees Spider-Man emerge with no sign of Peter. He makes the assumption therefore that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.
Peter, is alerted to being watched and sees Foswell, quickly darting back into the alley he constructs a plan to trick the reporter into believing his suspicions are incorrect.
With Foswell no longer tailing him, Peter is able to change into Spidey and track The Shocker to The Federal Reserve, where he finds Shocker in the middle of a robbery.
Buoyed, by his earlier victory The Shocker is unperturbed by Spider-Man's arrival and their second battle commences. With Spidey using distraction measures to this time get close enough to Shocker and ably disarm the villain of his "Vibro-Shock" blasters. Thus defeating the would be bank robber.
For a first appearance The Shocker really comes across well as a low level second tier villain. After all he's hardly a Doc Ock or a Green Goblin. heck, he's barely a second rate Electro, but at the time of his creation, Herman Schultz was a welcome addition and a break from the usual villain as the roster was being expanded.
Lets not forget this was still before any of the villains of today, and before Kingpin had even made his first bow. Which was to happen just four issues later in Amazing Spider-Man #50.
The thing i really love about this issue and of all of the Stan Lee issues i have, is the simplicity to the stories. the art by Romita Snr is still my favourite by some some distance. this to me is classic Spider-Man. it's what got me into reading the books and though it can be deemed dated it's also what keeps me coming back.
So i hope yu've enjoyed reading my views on this issue have you read this book? why not comment below. if you have enjoyed this first episode and want to read more then please subscibe via google+ or follow on twitter @TelFirth for blog updates or additionally like our Facebook Page The Man who Collects Spider-Man
Thanks For Reading.
This is one story line I really want to get more of. Once I'm done with college, I'm working full time, and I have my own place, I'll be doing a lot more collecting and reading. Thanks for the great read Terry! 😊