Here we are again, with Episode 2 of this series, As stated previously I'm hoping to get a couple of issue's up on the blog per day. Primarily to try and keep it fresh and keep myself disciplined in terms of regular uploads. after all this is my day job, for what it's worth, Plus it's good for me as I get to re-read all these issues again. as many of them. I really haven't read for years.
Honest, it's true. Take this issue here for example. I bought this very issue around six months ago via an auction on E-bay, I pretty much pick up all my Spidey comics from auction sites, and not always but on occasion, i do manage to get a bit of a bargain. This issue was in fact one of those times.
That was the case with this issue, especially for the grade i managed to get this one at, I mean a higher grade book will always sell for decent money, however it is possible to get mud grade books for a nice price for a buyer, let me just say this I've seen this book available on auction sites at a significantly higher price than I paid, or would ever pay, I'm a stay at home dad working on a budget here people.
Anyway so, for me this was the first time in around 30 years that I'd read this particular book. The first in a four part arc known as "Doc Ock Wins", in fact this was a story arc that was adapted and condensed by John Semper Jr the producer of the acclaimed 1990's cartoon "Spider-Man The Animated Series" I think the cartoon episodes were in season 3.
Back to the issue at hand. Amazing Spider-Man #53. This was first published in October of 1967 and is the second of the only two Issues i have from the 60's. again this was the brain child of Stan Lee and John Romita Snr, it was also the first time that John Romita was to perform the artwork on Doc Ock. as the villain hadn't been seen within the pages of Amazing since Amazing Spider-Man #33 and the finale of the all time classic "If this be my destiny" arc.
This book immediately refers back to the events of the last arc which featured the Kingpin for the first time. and after a time honiured frank exchange of views between Spidey and Jameson, Spider-Man heads of to classes at Empire State University.
Once arriving at the campus, Peter quickly changes from his Spidey costume in the confines of an empty gym, just before he's spotted by Professor Miles Warren.
Professor Warren invites Peter and Gwen Stacy to a science exposition after classes to witness a demonstration of a "Nullifier" which had been developed to "Nullify" missle attacks from enemy forces.
Arriving at the expedition, Peter starts to get a familiar buzz from his Spider-Sense but is unable to verify where the danger lies.
The Danger soon get made evident however when Doctor Octopus makes his presence known, and makes a grab for the Nullifier.
Peter takes full advantage of the confusion and sneaks off to change into Spider-Man. in a usual trope for this era of comics. Things like that however made them fun and it was always a game of what scenario would Stan the Man use as the distraction method to allow Peter to go change. In this Issue we get to see two of the ways in which situations would arise allowing Peter to make a discreet exit, although most of the time at least one supporting cast member would notice that Peter had once again gone missing.
Spider-Man, prevents Doc Ock from stealing the Nullifier and manages to place a tracer onto the bespectacled villain as he uses the device to distract the wall crawler so he can make good his escape. to a secret warehouse where the narrative informs the reader just how Octopus managed to survive the previous encounter. At this point Ock discovers the Spider-Tracer and constructs a plan to rid the world of Spider-Man once and for all.
For this Issue the highlighted power is The Spider-Sense, and the various uses the "early warning system" provides to the Spider-Man weaponry, For it is after Peter has used another well used distraction plot point to extricate himself from a social gathering at the coffee bean. he manages to use the Spider-Sense as a tracking receiver to locate Doc Ock.
Via the aid of the Spider-Sense. Spider-Man gets a warnning blast of danger, though none seems prevalent, it's just as he's about to enter the warehouse that he spies his tracker in a place that it shouldn't be.
Knowing that the figure below him must be a trap, Spidey drops a web ball, which springs the trap and Spider-Man manages to leap away before the warehouse explodes Seemingly in the eyes of Doc Ock Killing Spider-Man.
Ock then makes good his escape as he realizes that the authorities would now be seeking him following the failes attempt to steal the Nullifier, As meanwhile Spider-Man vows to find Ock before he can do more damage.
i hope you've enjoyed reading my views on this issue have you read this
book? why not comment below. if you have enjoyed this episode then web the +1 button in the face! and
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